1. The problem is rarely problem
99% of the harm is caused in your head. by you and your thoughts. 1% of the harm is caused by reality, what actually happens and the outcome. Most of the problem isn't the problem. The way you think about the problem is
2. Avoid self rejection
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By taking small simple steps you confront most of the situations that contributes to overthinking. Never think yourself into self-rejection, your pattern of thinking usually reflects in your own life as reality.
3. Silence and Time
The truth is most problems aren't solved with more thinking , they're solved with less. You will find most of the answers you seek or looking for in silence, in time band with clear mind, by creative thinking of ways you can attack and solve your problems you find loop holes in the confrontations that built a wall against you and see rays of light of hope coming through
This will embolden you to understand the situation is just as fragile as the scare it gives you and helps you to discover intelligent work arounds. If the problem you can solve it , learn to move on. leave the past in the past and progress to the future with the power of NOW.
4.An Important Question
when you start criticising yourself for past mistakes, or seeing disaster looming around you, ask yourself, "Is there anything I can do right now to change the past or to positively influence the future"
If the you get a yes, then take action decisively and promptly . If the answer is a no, be at peace and let if go
Either you have a answer that you can take action on , or you simply just can change some things no matter how bad it was . you must learn to let go , remember life is quite short to waste on draining your precious energy , Everything else in between is self-harm
5. The power of Now
You are not going to overthink your way into a better future. You are not going or can not to overthink your way into a better past (you can not go back in time).
All you have is NOW. Right Here , Right Here , The present moment which is a gift because it has unlimited power if you know how to use it
And what you do with NOW can make right your past or make good your future, There is nothing like too late, its an absolute hoax, we are divine dynamic beings and we create the worlds from our perception
Time is subject to man
6. Fact Check Your own thoughts:
Your thoughts wikll create scenarios in your mind that reflects your insurrection, fears and worries. So its important to always fact-check your own thoughts before accepting them. Its like taking a self-examination of yourself , asking your self the right questions to understand if you are in the right or in the wrong
In highly emotional states, you can have strong impulses or further thoughts that can exarcebate your present situations, your thoughts can give untrue suggestions , this usually happens when faced with situations that confronts you, learn to confront them witha simple good attitude being mindful of yourself
7. Acceptance is Peace
No amount of aniety will change your future , no amount of regret will change your past
Peace is found in happiness
- Accept Imperfect
- Accept uncertainty
- Accept the uncontrollable
You dont have to understand to tolerate or even forget about something , but if you want peace of mind , you must accept it . Then apply the principles of life to understand what to do next
8. Health starts in your mind
You can go the gym, eat healthy, do yoga, drink water and take vitamins. but if you dont directly confront the negativity in your thoughts , you will never truly be healthy
Our health is not measured on scales by size of our muscles or by width of our waist. True health is measured by our thoughts, state of mind , scale of inner peace , peace and joy are the wealth of the soul the same way money and other material things excite the physical body , the mind interprets its own wealth as peace and joy since it can not use money or natural material things it relates back with a state