My take on "spiritual warfare" isn't about angels and demons, voodoo dolls, telepatheic powers, or magic potions; in fact, "magic" is just "spell-casting," which is essentially using words (sounds) to change people's minds. It is a form of psychic manipulation, using mental energies (thoughts and ideas) that are put down in writing, made into images and symbols, played as sounds, and so on.
Our enemy's spiritual warfare is deployed via weaponized "isms" and platitudes with the intention to harm our people by coinvincing them to adopt them. How? Our language is a representation of reality, so when we speak it, we are manifesting it in the minds of others. When we "spell" a word, it is called "spelling." When we speak a word outloud, we name or describe something that is a part of reality. When we speak to people and try to convince them of something (intention to manipulate), we are basically "spell-casting," as those words affect those hearing them.
How does one "cast a spell" on someone? A person casts a spell by speaking words that they have put together to elicit specific thoughts and emotions of their target. So even a salesman, who is trying to sell you a knife set, is putting a spell on you when he tells you how wonderful and easier cooking will be when using his product. Typically, salespeople have a "script" to follow, which is basically a spell. What is a "spell book"?
It's a book that contains: a manifesto; sales scripts; a set of platitudes; poetry; a story; or other things that are engineered to manipulate the human imagination. Because beliefs are not a choice, all a spell-caster has to do is use their words to convince you that what they're saying is true; whether it is or not, is irrelevant, because if you end up believing it is true, then it will be true to you. Simply being around this person is all they need to try and cast a certain spell on you.
This whole magic and spell business isn't about turning you into a frog, it's about people trying to turn you into: a Zionist; a globalist; a feminist; an environmentalist; a vegan; an atheist; an "anti-Racist," and any other "ist" you can think of, all of which are born from 'isms" (ideologies).
You can fall under someone's spell if you are unaware of how to avoid being "turned" by it—you don't know the logical fallacies that would help you repell it (refute the ideolgy or platitudes being used). If you cannot find "holes" in their spell (logic), you may be convinced by it, and thus, turned into whatever they want to turn you into. In order to "break the spell," someone else has to speak words that refute the ideology and convince you that it is false—getting you to "snap out of it." Another way a spell is broken, is that your life experience teaches you, usually the hard way over time, that it doesn't reflect reality. Eventually, without reinforcement, the spell "wears off" on its own. "Trangenderism" is a spell that convinces people they are in the wrong body, so much so, some will even mutilate themselves.
You don't need a voodoo doll to chop off another's dick; cast the trangenderism spell on them, and if it "works" (convinces them), they may cut off their dick for you. The reason it doesn't work on you, is because you see the fallacies of the ideology, and thus, it doesn't affect you. So, in order to fight these demonic witches and warlocks casting spells on our people—with their fallacious isms and platitudes—we must show them that their "magic" is actually very weak; that it is based on fallacies and falsehoods.
We do this by casting our "counterspells"—isms and platitudes that are based on sound logic, reason, and reality—which will convince people we are right, and break them free from our enemy's spells. You see, a spell-caster that uses spells that are based on lies, has to keep adding spell on top of spell in order to keep their victims mentally enslaved.
This is why our enemies had to gain control of all media, academia, and entertainment before they could take full control of our nation and enslave our people. But ever since then, they have cast so many spells, they have to spend BILLIONS to reinforce them, in order to keep the masses in a trance and hold up their facade of power. The main reason they want to censor us truth-tellers, is because our "magic" is way more powerful than theirs, since because it is based in the truth. Our is so much more powerful, one counterspell can undo several of theirs, waking up millions of people and completely knock them out of power. And thus, they are working hard to ban and censor us, because our truthful words alone can break the spells cast on our people.